Christmas Is for You: A story full of searching and surprises

Today’s text tells us the familiar story of the wise men visiting Jesus and his family. We know the story, but a careful reading of these verses yields some surprises.

It’s surprising that a king, with all his power and prominence, would be afraid because of a baby.

It’s surprising that the chief priests and teachers of the law missed the birth of the Messiah, even though they knew exactly where it was promised to happen.

To some it may be surprising that a star led the wise men to the precise place where the little Jesus was growing, and then a dream warned the wise men not to return to Herod.

But perhaps most surprising of all is the sight of sophisticated, educated world travelers going to such lengths to see this child for themselves. The Scripture explains virtually nothing about them. In a way, it seems surprising God chose to mention them at all.

But maybe he wants to encourage anyone from that time till now who’s heard about Jesus and wants to know more. This story honors searchers and sanctifies searching.

More than one person reading this devotion has been unsure of the truth and uncomfortable with explanations handed them from others who have quit searching. The experience of the wise men can encourage them not to give up.

In fact, all of us can read the story of the wise men and ask ourselves, “What lengths are we willing to pursue in order to find God and worship him?” We won’t have a star to lead us, but God has left many indications and invitations to discover him.

Even those who believe they know him awaken many mornings desperate to see him at work again. So many caretakers, for example, are searching for peace and understanding as they navigate a shadowy path.

We do well to see Christmas not as the end of our search but as a renewed beginning. The new year stretches ahead of us, full of possibility for God’s work in our lives. Each of us has gifts God can use. All of us anticipate the surprises he may have in store for any seeker.

Read: Matthew 2:1-12
“Lord, we see the story of your guiding the wise men to Jesus, and we believe you want us to discover him, too. Strengthen us as we seek you, and show us yourself and your Son.”


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