Finish Line Faith, 12: No matter what you’re facing, keep singing!
The apostle Paul was a singer! No matter what he was facing or hardship he was enduring, he sang praises to God. With his songs he set an example for every Christian.
A caregiver’s plea for help: ‘I feel bad about feeling bad!’
A reader asked for advice, and even though this is not an advice-giving blog, his question reminded me of some experiences that may help him.
Finish Line Faith, 11: Why God created the church: Together is better
Since before eternity, everything God has done and said shows something we need to understand in order to thrive. We’re better together. We shouldn’t try to go it alone.
Thanks to a reader who’s helping me understand ‘quality of life’
When we stop to consider “quality of life,” whose life are we thinking about most?
Finish Line Faith, 10: We can, we must, tell someone about Jesus
Bob Ely showed me a ministry I’ve tried to continue. As I’ve sought to fill his shoes, I need to think about who will fill mine.
Everything’s different, but little changes: is this worth noting?
Another Alzheimer’s caregiver I know kept a journal at first, with notes and stories he thought he might share sometime.“But after a while I didn’t have as much to write,” he said. Not that much was changing. Not that much was new. That’s how it is with me now.
Finish Line Faith, 9: We need nourishment only the Bible provides
“You are what you eat.” It’s true spiritually as well as physically. Today’s passage from 2 Timothy tells why.
Two days with a stomach bug: the good, the bad, and the lonely
Here’s what’s good when you’re sick and you live alone. But it’s not all good. Not at all.
Finish Line Faith, 8: Considering the power of a positive example
Do I have someone in my life I can look to? Is the pattern of my life an example others can imitate?
Not perfect, of course, but really, we’ve had a very good week
A day-by-day chronicle of the good things coming our way. We’re doing as well as possible.
Finish Line Faith, 7: Two strategies for growing spiritually
Spiritual growth is a matter of what we flee and also what we pursue.
‘She is not here.’ Reflection on good times with other people
‘I’m truly glad for times like these.
I’m not alone. But . . . she’s not here.’
Finish Line Faith, 6: Our walk is really hard—and really worth it!
Three pictures of everyday endurance encourage us to endure every day!
Rethinking what has really happened when I say God is blessing us
Some of the abundance that makes our distress less difficult should be classed as privilege, not blessing.
Finish Line Faith, 5: Remember, the gospel is free, but not cheap
At some point, you may be called on to sacrifice for the sake of the gospel. Are you willing to pay the price?
Writing to a new friend about the journey he’s just beginning
Three of my conclusions that seem worth sharing with a new caregiver: ‘Seize the day.’ ‘Claim your mission.’ ‘Move forward.’
Finish Line Faith, 4: Our Heavenly Father will walk beside us
One father’s love reminds us of our Father’s determination to help us get to the finish line.
A new reader prompted reflection on where I am in this journey
His email reminded me of fears and frustrations I encountered when I was where he is today. It’s good for me to think about how I’m doing now compared to then.
Finish Line Faith, 3: Learning how to tap the superpower within
Have you ever asked yourself where you can find the strength to deal with your difficulties? In 2 Timothy 1:6-7, Paul gives the answer.
My caregiving story: rewards, mistakes, guilt, and questions
Caregiving is a conundrum. On the one hand, it is an honorable opportunity for its own sake and with its own rewards, while the other hand is often mired in guilt and self-loathing that comes from not doing enough, or doing too much of what we shouldn’t.