Monday meditation: He gave up comfort and certainty for obedience

What dreams or fantasies or vague notions about your future life did you have 20 years ago? Whatever your thoughts then, you almost certainly were not planning on how it has actually turned out.

No one dreams of becoming a caregiver.

Everyone plans on a change of pace in retirement: Maybe golf and sunshine and travel, or perhaps some sort of service or a more satisfying part-time job. Maybe even all of that.

But no one plans the relentless parade of housework, doctor’s appointments, pills, procedures, and making every decision alone—without the help of the one whose needs have become the top priority.

And some caregivers struggle with the haunting wish to get their life back before their life is over. I’m not getting any younger, we may think. When my caregiving days are done, will I still have the energy I’m spending now on someone else?

The story of Abram’s call to a distant land speaks to us in several ways.

Abram was 75 years old when God called him! Today you are not too old to pursue what God has for you. And you’ll be young enough to obey him 10 years from now, too.

Abram surely never anticipated what God asked him to do. Gathering up one’s whole clan for a difficult journey to an unknown place is not anyone’s definition of pleasure.

Abram seemed to ignore, or at least put aside, all the reasonable, practical factors he could have included in a speech telling God, “No way. I’m staying here.”

His life might have seemed easier if he had refused. But it also certainly would not have held all the blessings that came to Abram after he obeyed.

We do well simply to take up the challenges God has allowed to be before us today. We find peace in believing he will do something good with our everyday obedience. Sometimes, as with Abram, God’s call is to “go.” But sometimes he’s gently telling us just to “stay.” When we do so, depending on his guidance and grace, we may find a promised land right within the walls of our own simple home.

Read: Genesis 12:1-9.

Pray: I’m not getting any younger, God, but I’ll trust you for the energy to tackle the caregiving challenges before me this week. If I have life left someday to go and do pursuits I can only dream about today, I’ll thank you then. Meanwhile, I’m seeking your strength to carry the burdens you’ve left me today.

Illustration Copyright Classic Bible Art. For more information about these beautiful illustrations and to see more art in this series, click here.


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