Embracing Lament: The prayer power in just one three-letter word
The Psalms can help us discover the beauty of “but” for our everyday prayers.
Embracing Lament: Our complaints deserve something better than nice
I'll never regret the night I laid out my complaints to God. Now I realize I was practicing a key component of lament.
Embracing Lament: God’s still there, no matter how long we’re waiting
We may pray with the psalmist, "How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?" And we may find from the psalmist a pathway to hope.
Embracing Lament: Cry out to God. Pain is the perfect time to pray
Pain and heartbreak and overwhelming grief are the perfect times to pray. Prayer has never been more real for some than in such moments of crisis.
Questions from the Bible, Part Four: ‘What must I do to be saved?’
Of the four Bible questions repeated n this short series, perhaps none came with more urgency than the Roman jailer’s.
Questions from the Bible, Part Three: ‘What evil has he done?’
We could find an answer to this question about anyone we know. What does it tell us they wanted to kill him for the answer he would have given about himself?
Questions from the Bible, Part Two: ‘Which of these was his neighbor?’
I need look no farther than the place Evelyn lives to find my answer to the question Jesus asked.
Questions from the Bible, Part One: ‘Why were you looking for me?’
Mary and Joseph did not understand the question Jesus asked. But it leads us to reevaluate a question we may be asking God.
Jesus Loved Them, Part 9: Why was he the only one to say thanks?
“Why do I deserve this?” We may ask the question when bad times come our way. Do we think to ask it when we’ve received a special blessing?
Jesus Loved Them, Part 8: They overcame the obstacles and found love
Jesus couldn’t ignore their bold move, but he gave them more than they likely expected.
Jesus Loved Them, Part 7: Before the miracle, a penetrating question
The question would make a great meme, and each person’s answer can direct his future days.
Jesus Loved Them, Part 6: The peril of pride masked by obedience
What would have been different if he had come with even a couple of these attitudes?
Jesus Loved Them, Part 5: Just one meeting changed everything
All his life he felt less than. Could this miracle-working teacher show him his true worth?
Jesus Loved Them, Part 4: Two sisters, two choices, top priority
Many caregivers can identify with Martha’s complaint. Many more would be helped by imitating Mary.
Jesus Loved Them, Part 3: Describing worship to an outcast—and us
This is the “kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship.”
Jesus Loved Them, Part 2: Confronted with the challenge to believe
Despite his great learning from the Old Testament Scriptures, Nicodemus still had trouble acknowledging the divinity of the One those Scriptures had foretold. His was a struggle that has been repeated from his time till now.
Jesus Loved Them, Part 1: Matthew, a surprising call to discipleship
Jesus loved him. Jesus called him. We can say both are true for us, too.
Monday Meditation: New Beginnings, Part three: The body thrives
We can identify with the generosity reported in this passage because we’re still seeing it in the church today.
Monday Meditation: New Beginnings, Part two: It’s all about Jesus
The passage has just one message, and it is a truth for every person in any situation.
Monday Meditation: New Beginnings, Part one: The Spirit comes
Even with many legitimate criticisms and concerns for the church today, we read today’s passage and see that the church came from God.