Finish Line Faith 2: A backward look can inspire forward motion
By Matt Proctor*
Young Timothy wasn’t sure he was going to make it. Overwhelmed and underappreciated in his ministry in Ephesus, Timothy felt like giving up. He was under fierce enemy fire and wondering, Where will I find the courage the lead the charge? In the opening paragraph of 2 Timothy, Paul answers that question: Remember your heritage.
As Paul forges in Timothy a finish-line faith, he points the discouraged disciple backward. Three times in 1:3-5, he speaks of remembering. Specifically, he stirs in Timothy the remembrance of his heritage.
Paul begins by mentioning his own heritage: “I serve, as my ancestors did: (1:3). He then goes on to mention Timothy’s heritage: “I am reminded of your since faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also” (1:5).
Paul’s message here is, “I am following in the footsteps of those who’ve gone before me. Now you follow in the footsteps of those who’ve gone before you.”
When you’re tired and feel like giving in, hear Paul’s message to Timothy: remember your heritage and keep going. A backward look can inspire forward motion.
By the way, don’t forget: Your example can shape those who come after you. Your picture may someday be in the back of someone else’s Bible.
Especially for caregivers:
What example of faithful caregiving from someone in your past encourages you to keep going on?
How does your caregiving set an example for people watching you? —M.T.
Read: 2 Timothy 1:3-5
Pray: Thank you, Father, for living models of faithfulness I’ve seen in my past. Give me their strength to keep on going. Bless the person in my care for your glory, and use me to point someone around me to faithfulness.
* This devotion is adapted from a new book by Matt Proctor, president of Ozark Christian College (Joplin, Missouri) (c) 2024. Finish Line Faith is a 12-week study of 2 Timothy perfect for any group or Bible study, and this devotion gives only a taste of the down-to-earth encouragement it provides. Click here for information on ordering copies for yourself or your group.