I’m finally admitting that ‘Mark and Evelyn’ doesn’t describe reality
This year I signed Easter cards with my name alone. I’m finally ready to admit that our reality has changed.
Monday Meditation: He’s Alive! Part 3: They needed his peace
We can imagine the words meant more to the disciples that day than ever before. They had likely never felt less at peace.
One week after our big transition: I’m hoping the shadow has passed
I can honestly report, “We are doing fine.” This is true for several reasons.
Monday Meditation: He’s Alive! Part 2: They couldn’t see who he was
I wonder how often God has shown up in my life and I haven’t noticed.
Too soon? Too late? Right? Wrong? I have made a difficult decision
Yesterday I moved Evelyn into a residential memory care facility. I’m hoping I remain convinced that was the right decision.
Monday Meditation: He’s Alive! Part 1: They did not understand
Long after the hoorays and hallelujahs and happiness of Easter, it’s good for us to ponder the resurrection.
I have a full glass, barely holding all I’ve had to pour into it
“Every time you say ‘yes’ to one thing, you must say ‘no’ to something else.”
Monday meditation: His final days, Part 6: He identifies with us
Jesus, God himself made flesh, came to earth not just to speak or heal or surprise. He came to suffer. That means something to us caregivers.
What probably would have been and what possibly could someday be
Sometimes I wonder what I’d be thinking and feeling and doing if our lives hadn’t been invaded by illness.
Monday Meditation: His Final Days, Part 5: A surprising story
If I were concocting a story about a new savior of the world, this is not at all how I would have written it.
Two years later, the string of change just keeps getting longer
As the list of difficult or unseemly duties lengthens, my sadness is almost dulled. I feel myself getting weary.
Monday Meditation: His Final Days, Part 4: A shocking denial
Isn’t it encouraging to believe God has a mission for each of us, despite how often we don’t live up to our good intentions?
Pondering the meaning and mystery of who she was and who she is
What is really changing in the deterioration happening before our eyes? And what will never change? A thoughtful question led me to ponder issues beyond what I’m seeing today.
Monday meditation: His Final Days, Part 3: A selfish betrayal
Why did Judas betray Jesus? And why do we insist on taking actions to prod God to do things our way?
Words necessary, difficult, and becoming common: ‘I need your help’
Asking for help is humbling. But at two different times last week, I had absolutely no other choice.
Monday Meditation: His Final Days, Part 2: A meal to remember
Like the disciples, we were experiencing life much as we expected until everything changed in the space of a very short time.
Embracing anger: one strategy for protecting me from sadness
A friend has helped me think afresh about anger. I’m going to claim it, use it, unleash it against the mess we’re in.
Monday Meditation: His Final Days, Part 1: An example of service
They were as shocked to see his humble service as we may be by the necessity that we do something similar.
Privilege or burden or both? How to know I’m feeling right about this
I’ve written about the privilege and the burden of caregiving. Now I’m thinking about how to experience the former more than the latter.
Monday Meditation: ‘Tell Me a Story,’ Part 6: Getting what I deserve
We’ve used up all the physical strength and spiritual sustenance afforded to us yesterday. We need resources just to get through today.