Stanley Tucci, Italian cooking, cancer, and the meaning of life
I was getting a little bored with the book till I came to the last chapter and realized Tucci had touched something far more profound than what we’ll fix for dinner.
Stanley Tucci, Italian cooking, cancer, and the meaning of life
I was getting a little bored with the book till I came to the last chapter and realized Tucci had touched something far more profound than what we’ll fix for dinner.
Shared story: There is life after caregiving! Part one: Our journey
Phyllis Girdwood reflects on what it meant to care for her husband who was dying with cancer—and how she’s learning to cope in the years since his passing.
Shared Story: From the infusion room: ‘I hate you, damn cancer!’
He cared for his wife with pancreatic cancer for almost three years. This is not an Alzheimer’s story, but it expresses emotions common to many caregivers.