Monday meditation: we can choose Solomon’s prayer first and most
Most caregivers sooner or later will admit something close to what Solomon said to God: “I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.” All caregivers do well to repeat what Solomon sought from God next.
Monday meditation: lifetime loyalty, the power of a promise kept
David stayed true to the commitment he and Jonathan had made to each other, long after Jonathan was gone. What can we learn from such an example of faithfulness?
Monday meditation: You’re not alone, or at least you shouldn’t be
“I told Siri I was lonely, and she apologized. So that was nice.” But when it comes to caregivers and friendship, we all need better than ‘nice.’
Monday meditation: Samuel’s challenge to choose . . . and ours
Samuel looked at a long line of possibilities before he found Israel’s future king. How could that encourage us with the choices we’re forced to make?
Monday meditation: Suppose we choose something besides what’s best?
God knew kings were a bad idea for Israel, but still he led in their choice for a king. Amazing.
Monday meditation: The act and the fact of commemorating God at work
It’s easy to be consumed with coping. We do well to stop, acknowledge God’s blessing, and find a concrete way to thank him for what he’s done.
Monday meditation: She prayed with a promise, and then kept her vow
We’re learning how to give. After all, we’re caregivers. But today’s Bible story leads us to ponder if we’ve yet been called upon to give as much as Hannah did.
Monday meditation: Another example showing us how God works
We may have as many questions as conclusions about the remarkable story in today’s text. Read Judges 7 and ponder what God did—and why.
Monday meditation: Surprised by my tendency to seek myself
It’s almost shocking that the ancient Israelites turned away from God. But then I look at myself, and I begin to understand.
Monday meditation: Just one step. It’s all—and everything—we can do
Throughout Scripture we see the riveting examples of what God did only after those following him took just one step.
Monday meditation: ‘Peace on earth’ can be our experience anytime
Not only did the angels proclaim peace at the time of his birth, but Jesus promised peace just before his death.
Monday meditation: Our unwanted burden can be spiritual service
Just as Jesus couldn’t get his cross to its resting place without help, he needs us to bring rest to our loved ones, disoriented and diminished by their disease.
Monday meditation: Deciding not to believe the majority report
Weren’t these men reasonable? And didn’t they all agree? What was so wrong with believing the troubling report they brought from the land God wanted them to own?
Monday meditation: Timeless guardrails for how to stay steady
If our first reaction to the Ten Commandments is a definite ho-hum, maybe we owe it to ourselves to stop and ponder them again.
Monday meditation: ‘The job is too much for you to handle alone’
“No one can do this as well as I can.” We actually believe this, but today’s Bible story reminds us it may not be true.
Monday Meditation: How caregivers can satisfy their special hunger
Like the ancient Israelites, we don’t want to be hungry. And just as they had trouble trusting God for sustenance, we sometimes wonder if we’ll have what it takes to get to tomorrow.
Monday meditation: ‘God, is this really the calling you’ve given me?’
Moses was afraid to look at God, and sometimes we are unwilling to face the tasks God has laid at our feet. But we can take strength from the same presence God promised Moses at the burning bush.
Monday meditation: We’re not as powerless as we sometimes feel
In this moment, Joseph had all the power. And he used it for God. God has given us power, too, to cope this week in ways that please him.
Monday meditation: An unknown future calls us to trust an eternal God
Perhaps his trip to Egypt was the world’s first “unchosen journey.”
Monday meditation: Remembering the love you first felt many years ago
The person you’re caring for has changed so much that you may have forgotten what attracted you to them the first time.