Embracing Lament: God’s still there, no matter how long we’re waiting
We may pray with the psalmist, "How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?" And we may find from the psalmist a pathway to hope.
Good grief: A weekend with lifetime friends yields a new definition
It is possible to experience happiness and grief at the same time. A weekend with lifetime friends proved it.
Embracing Lament: Cry out to God. Pain is the perfect time to pray
Pain and heartbreak and overwhelming grief are the perfect times to pray. Prayer has never been more real for some than in such moments of crisis.
Embracing lament: health and hope for anyone burdened by loss
A new series of Monday meditations will give us examples to help us embrace God's gift of lament.
Questions from the Bible, Part Four: ‘What must I do to be saved?’
Of the four Bible questions repeated n this short series, perhaps none came with more urgency than the Roman jailer’s.
Two lives ending bring me questions I can only trust with God
Which is worse? To see a young life snatched away too soon? Or to watch a long life twist to a tortured end?
Questions from the Bible, Part Three: ‘What evil has he done?’
We could find an answer to this question about anyone we know. What does it tell us they wanted to kill him for the answer he would have given about himself?
Navigating change is everyone’s challenge, but for me it’s different
We live in an age of constant change, even though our instinct is to resist it. But for caregivers like me, facing change is a weekly challenge.
Questions from the Bible, Part Two: ‘Which of these was his neighbor?’
I need look no farther than the place Evelyn lives to find my answer to the question Jesus asked.
Good people. Good question. Two words. Good weekend. Good progress
Everyone who knows about Alzheimer’s anticipates that Evelyn is not doing well. But my new friend asked about me.
Questions from the Bible, Part One: ‘Why were you looking for me?’
Mary and Joseph did not understand the question Jesus asked. But it leads us to reevaluate a question we may be asking God.
Beginning with tears, ending with reflection: An old man’s pattern
I don’t know why I had tears that morning. But a story from Scripture gave me a new idea.
Jesus Loved Them, Part 9: Why was he the only one to say thanks?
“Why do I deserve this?” We may ask the question when bad times come our way. Do we think to ask it when we’ve received a special blessing?
A trip to a scenic corner. A step in the journey that now feels new
Another family vacation without Evelyn. Wonderful—and sad.
Jesus Loved Them, Part 8: They overcame the obstacles and found love
Jesus couldn’t ignore their bold move, but he gave them more than they likely expected.
Stanley Tucci, Italian cooking, cancer, and the meaning of life
I was getting a little bored with the book till I came to the last chapter and realized Tucci had touched something far more profound than what we’ll fix for dinner.
Jesus Loved Them, Part 7: Before the miracle, a penetrating question
The question would make a great meme, and each person’s answer can direct his future days.
A popular lyric. A friend’s example. The challenge I’m facing today
The resolution to one friend’s stress could lead to deeper peace for me, too.
Jesus Loved Them, Part 6: The peril of pride masked by obedience
What would have been different if he had come with even a couple of these attitudes?
My answers for those who ask me ‘How’s Evelyn? And how are you?’
We’re on something of a plateau right now. Things could be better, of course, but I’m glad they’re not worse.