The best advice I’ve received so far: ‘Just let them love you’
No one wants to be less-than. No one wants to need help. But I’m learning that’s a mindset I just need to put behind me.
Shared story: Others walking with us made all the difference
Although my 95-year-old father did not have dementia, he needed our care for the five years he lived in our home. We couldn’t have walked that path without the help of many others.
Readers offer great alternatives to ‘How is your wife doing?’
When I wrote that “How’s your wife doing?” may not be the most helpful question to ask, I evidently touched a nerve.
Shared story: My community of care made all the difference for us
I was never quick to ask for help from others. I had to get over that quickly. There comes a time when you must ask for help. You cannot do this alone.