Who knows what it really means to serve? For sure, I did not
For several decades I would have claimed to understand service. But these days, I’m coming to understand much more.
Monday meditation: Timeless guardrails for how to stay steady
If our first reaction to the Ten Commandments is a definite ho-hum, maybe we owe it to ourselves to stop and ponder them again.
The art of giving what’s dearly needed and completely unexpected
I never would have asked these friends for what they’ve given. Could I be so good and gracious to give so generously?
Monday meditation: ‘The job is too much for you to handle alone’
“No one can do this as well as I can.” We actually believe this, but today’s Bible story reminds us it may not be true.
One year later: reflections and a resolve to keep on writing
A friend says my tone is different now than when I first started posting at this blog site one year ago. Maybe. But I’m glad I’ve started chronicling how this journey is affecting us.
Monday Meditation: How caregivers can satisfy their special hunger
Like the ancient Israelites, we don’t want to be hungry. And just as they had trouble trusting God for sustenance, we sometimes wonder if we’ll have what it takes to get to tomorrow.
Amid regret, the chance to rejoice in ‘the day the Lord has made’
“This is the day the Lord has made.” And I found reason to “rejoice in it.”
Monday Meditation: Better than slavery in the desert of fear
They had seen God do what only God can do. Why didn’t they trust him to act again?
There’s really so much to consider, and way too much to tell
A new answer to the popular but perplexing “How are you?”
Monday meditation: ‘God, is this really the calling you’ve given me?’
Moses was afraid to look at God, and sometimes we are unwilling to face the tasks God has laid at our feet. But we can take strength from the same presence God promised Moses at the burning bush.
Lesson from a professional: Let’s keep that left hand strong
Who will I be when my caregiving duties are over? Part of the answer to that rests in how I’m living my life today.
Monday meditation: We’re not as powerless as we sometimes feel
In this moment, Joseph had all the power. And he used it for God. God has given us power, too, to cope this week in ways that please him.
Loneliness, Part 2: ‘Filled with a sense of irreplaceable loss’
My friend gave me a word better than “lonely” to describe what both of us are feeling.
Monday meditation: An unknown future calls us to trust an eternal God
Perhaps his trip to Egypt was the world’s first “unchosen journey.”
Shared story: I can honestly say I’ve been blessed through it all
First my wife and today my dad. I never would have expected these caregiving duties—or the blessings that came because of them.
A caregiver’s loneliness is about more than being alone, Part 1
“The evenings are long, and I can feel so lonely.” I realize I share his experience, but for a completely different reason.
Monday meditation: Remembering the love you first felt many years ago
The person you’re caring for has changed so much that you may have forgotten what attracted you to them the first time.
Not all, but not nothing: one caregiver’s quest for balance
The caregiver cannot maintain his former life completely. But he cannot and should not give it all up. How does he find balance between the two extremes?
Monday meditation: He gave up comfort and certainty for obedience
Abram’s life turned out as he never imagined it, just as ours has. But we can’t imagine what he may do with our submission to what he’s given us today.
Why ‘Monday Meditations’? Fruit from a long-term relationship
Today I’m celebrating new fruit from a relationship that began many years ago.