Not perfect, of course, but really, we’ve had a very good week
A day-by-day chronicle of the good things coming our way. We’re doing as well as possible.
‘She is not here.’ Reflection on good times with other people
‘I’m truly glad for times like these.
I’m not alone. But . . . she’s not here.’
I’m fighting loneliness, and I think, I THINK, I’m winning the battle
I'm learning about loneliness in this new chapter. And many weeks, as I consider my situation, I actually apply what I'm learning!
Words necessary, difficult, and becoming common: ‘I need your help’
Asking for help is humbling. But at two different times last week, I had absolutely no other choice.
It comes slowly, so I’ll keep at it—again and again and again
A friend wrote after reading last week’s post to say, “I’m deeply moved by your practice of gratitude.”
Perspective comes from noting the blessings. So I’ll jot a few here
I call this “My Chronicle,” sort of a diary recording the steps on our journey. And this week I feel I must mention that many of them are quite pleasant.
What I’m deciding these days: Blunted blessings are still blessings!
The blessings showered on us are all welcome—even though so many are shadowed by the unpleasant difficulties of this season.
A picture post to confirm a friend’s assessment: ‘Your life is rich’
Memories from just one week prove the point: I have so many reasons to be thankful.
Thanks to others, I can sing with Evelyn as I think about my faith
What a blessing to get advice from friends who care, especially when it yields such positive results!
‘All my life you have been faithful’—and God’s not the only one!
A freezer full of food—what a reminder of how blessed our lives have been!